Loco Reactor Configuration

Configuration that can be applied to Loco Reactor - branding, icons, etc.

Branding Strings

Branding Strings in the Frontend

loco-reactor/frontend/src/data /branding-strings.ts - various strings related to branding.

  • BRANDING_APPLICATION_TITLE Title for the application, string.
  • BRANDING_APPLICATION_SUBTITLE Subtitle used in the navigation drawer, string.
  • BRANDING_APPLICATION_DESCRIPTION Description of the application used in the 'Description' HTML tag, string.
  • BRANDING_APPLICATION_URL URL of the application used throughout the system.
  • BRANDING_APPLICATION_IMAGE_URL URL of the image for the application manifest.
  • BRANDING_APPLICATION_THEME_COLOR Theme color for the application, in hex format string e.g. '#ffffff'.
  • BRANDING_LEGAL_DOCUMENTS Documents presented to the user during sugn-up. Example:
    'Terms Of Service',
    'Privacy Policy',
    'Acceptable Use Policy',
  • BRANDING_SIGN_IN_QUOTE_CONTENT Quote shown on the sign in screen.
  • BRANDING_SIGN_IN_QUOTE_AUTHOR Author of the quote shown on the sign in screen.

Branding Strings in the Backend

loco-reactor/blob/main/src/initializers/branding_strings.rs - various strings related to branding.

  • BRANDING_APPLICATION_TITLE Title for the application, used in the email template, string.
  • BRANDING_COMPANY_ADDRESS Address for the company, used in the email template, string.


Under construction: location for icons for favicon and branding SVGs.

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